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NY, NJ forecast: Mostly sunny with some spotty showers
NY, NJ forecast: Partly sunny with spotty showers
NY, NJ weather forecast: Partly sunny, a bit cooler than average
NY, NJ weather forecast: Cloudy with a chance of a stray shower
NY, NJ forecast: Sunny with below-average temperatures
NY, NJ forecast: Scattered showers and cool temps
NY, NJ forecast: More showers into the weekend
NY, NJ forecast: Cloudy skies with a few scattered showers
Mostly sunny skies, drier air in NY, NJ
NY, NJ forecast: Mostly cloudy day, rain to come later
NY, NJ forecast: Heat, humidity to make it feel like over 100 degrees
Calm, breezy start to the weekend, with showers ahead in NY, NJ